How a Food Becomes Heart-Check Certified

close up of arm pushing cart in isle of grocery store

When you see the Heart-Check mark on a food product, you know it has been put through a robust certification process:

STEP 1: Company approved to Participate in the Heart-Check Program

The 美国心脏协会 must approve the company for participation, and companies must formally agree to all policies of the Heart-Check program.

STEP 2: Product Submitted and Reviewed for 心部裂纹认证

A product's nutrition profile must meet Heart-Check 营养标准 and regulatory requirements for making coronary heart disease claims. Companies submit administrative fees  to the 美国心脏协会 to cover program operating expenses.

STEP 3: Product Package and Promotions Review and Approval Process

All use of the Heart-Check mark on product packaging and promotional and advertising materials must be pre-approved.


Companies are contractually obligated to keep their products compliant and renew certification on a regular basis as scheduled.

Qualifying for the Heart-Check mark requires foods to meet clear-cut standards:

Products must meet nutrition requirements that are based on science recommendations from 美国心脏协会 statements. 另外, products must comply with FDA and/or USDA regulations for making a coronary heart disease claim.

The Heart-Check program complies with 10 different health claims in 13 food categories.

Heart-Check Food Categories and Health Claims

Standard Certification (FDA-regulated non--meat):

包括各种各样的食物, 比如新鲜的, canned and frozen fruits and vegetables; soups; fruit juices; liquid egg products; milk and yogurt products, 面包, 谷物, 豆子。, 和豆类.

卫生要求: Saturated Fat, Cholesterol and Trans Fat and Reduced Risk of Heart Disease health claim (Docket No. 2006Q-0458)

Standard Certification (meat and seafood – “extra lean”):

包括新鲜和冷冻肉类, poultry and seafood products that fit the FDA’s description for “extra lean”: less than 5 grams of total fat, less than 2 grams of 饱和脂肪 and less than 95 mg of cholesterol per RACC and per 100 grams.

卫生要求: Dietary Saturated Fat and Cholesterol and Risk of Coronary Heart Disease (21 CFR 101.75)


Includes products that fit the FDA’s definition for a main dish or meal, namely that the product weigh at least a certain amount and contain foods from different food groups.

卫生要求: Dietary Saturated Fat and Cholesterol and Risk of Coronary Heart Disease (21 CFR 101.75)


其中包括面包, 谷物, 饼干, 饼干, muffins and other grain-based products that meet the content requirements for whole grain and dietary fiber.

卫生要求: Whole Grain Foods with Moderate Fat Content and the Risk of Heart Disease (Docket No. 03Q-0547)


包括整颗或切碎的杏仁, 榛子, 花生, 山核桃, 开心果, 核桃和一些松子.

卫生要求: Nuts and Coronary Heart Disease (Docket No. 02P-0505)


Includes fish that contain specified amounts of DHA and EPA omega-3 fatty acids.

卫生要求: Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Reduced Risk of Coronary Heart Disease (Docket No. 2003Q-0401)

Heart-Check program nutrition experts and registered dietitians developed realistic, science-based program nutrition requirements. For example, current food technology and food science capabilities were taken into consideration. 另外, great care was taken to develop criteria that encourage consumption of foods and nutrients of public health concern. The goal is to make it easy for consumers to follow a heart-healthy diet. When a product is close to the limit for total fat, 饱和脂肪, 反式脂肪, 胆固醇和/或钠, one of the quality assurance measures employed by the Heart-Check program is analytical lab testing to verify the compliance with the 心脏检查营养要求.